Privacy Policy & Cookies


we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and use your data when you visit our website.

Personal Information

We do not store any personally identifiable data about users on our servers, such as names, locations, gaming habits, or any other data. We do not have user accounts, so we do not have such information available, nor do we desire it.

If you contact us via email seeking support, your email address and name will be in our mailbox. Besides responding to your support request, this email address will never be used for any other purpose and will never be shared with any third party. If you contact us through social media or any other means that disclose your personal information, the same applies: any information you disclose about yourself to us will only be stored and processed as needed to respond to your request.

Sometimes, we may ask people for more specific information about their devices for troubleshooting, such as detailed information about the hardware they use, the browser they are using, or other technical data that can be used to identify that device. Beyond using this data to help us identify your issue, we will not collect, process, or otherwise store data beyond what is required to assist you, and we will not share any data with third parties.

Log Files

We maintain log files of website visits. These log files include information about your IP address, access times, the pages visited, and the type of browser used.

Cookies and Related Technologies

We use cookies (small amounts of information stored on your computer) and other related technologies (such as local storage) for the following purposes:

Remembering the options you have chosen for games.

Remembering the scores between rounds of games, who the dealer is, and other game-specific information.

Storing statistics of your successes in games. This data is only stored in your browser, and we do not store it on any server. You can delete this data at any time by going to your browser settings and clearing all data from this website.

Using cookies to help us count how many people are visiting our website, so if you play 20 games in a day, you won't be counted as 20 visitors.

We use cookies to store information about your consent to our use of cookies.

The cookies listed above are used by our website,, and are necessary for the normal operation of the website. These are called first-party cookies because they are set and read only by us, not by any third party.

Google Analytics

In addition to the aggregated data we collect as described above, this website uses Google Analytics to gain further insight into how our users use our website and how we can improve it. This data is collected and stored on Google servers. We use Google Analytics to measure how many people visit us, how many people play each of our games, how much time people spend on our website, the number of visitors from each country/region, the browser being used, and other more detailed information diagnostic data than we collect on our own servers.

Google may utilize personal information to create aggregated data, but when we access this data, all personally identifiable information has been stripped: just like the data we collect ourselves, we can see that 4000 people used Google Chrome to visit our website, spent an average of 20 minutes playing games, but we can't trace it back to any specific user - all the data we're interested in is collected in an aggregated way, and we configure Google Analytics to store as little data about users as possible. We will never know exactly which browser you are using, what actions you are taking on our pages, where you live, or any other information that would specifically allow us to identify your identity based on your data.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please don't hesitate to contact us using the information provided below.

Thank you for visiting and for entrusting us with your privacy.